LMC Class Project Application

Leadership Montgomery County (LMC) is dedicated to cultivating the future leaders of our great county. Each year, a new class of business and community leaders is selected to spend nine months learning about the county, developing their leadership skills, and working on a class project to benefit the community.  Through the class project, our class members get to experience a hands-on, leadership-in-action component to the LMC program, while providing a meaningful contribution to our community.


We would like to give nonprofits in our county an opportunity to let us know how our class can help your organization.  Again this year, LMC is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) as a means to select the class project. We invite you to submit a potential project for our participants to complete during their upcoming class year.


Potential projects should:

  • Benefit an established 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency, located in and serving Montgomery County.
  • Fulfill a specific community need in Montgomery County. 
  • Be able to be completed between this November and April 30, 2025.
  • Cost less than $25,000 to complete.
  • Be large enough in scope for 45 people to actively play a role in the project(s).
    (May include committees such as: logistics, budget, finance, marketing, and others – or – a committee for each mini project.)
  • Have the ability for the class to develop it further and/or modify the scope as determined during project development with general agreement from your organization.
  • Be something that the nonprofit would not otherwise have the resources to accomplish or would allow the nonprofit to put their resources to better use.
  • Be something that upon completion your organization will take over and manage as required going forward. 
  • Not be purely fundraising, though the class will raise funds and materials for the project. 
  • Not be simply an educational or public awareness project.
  • Have general liability insurance that the LMC class can be added to.

 *Organizations who currently have a staff member in the class are not eligible to apply for a project. 

Applications will open in June.